What To Expect
Our service starts at 9:30 AM, and we have Sunday School for nursery all the way up to 6th grade. We have a room available for moms with new babies or children with sensory challenges.
A typical service will last about 80 minutes. We believe in the importance of worship preparing our hearts for the word of God. Therefore we open the service with a song of worship followed by communion where we prepare our hearts for the rest of worship. We then sing two more songs and transition to about 40 minutes of bible teaching. You will hear the message preached by our Senior Pastor Shawn McCamey or one of our Pastors on staff. We close the service with 2 songs of worship, we believe giving people time to respond to God's word is essential. We also have various elders and pastors available to pray with people. Once service is over we encourage everyone to hang out and fellowship with one another. We have free coffee and cookies to help cultivate that environment .